Jumat, 12 Februari 2021



Passive sentence is one of the grammatical patterns (language features) in the Hortatory Exposition text. The passive usually in the form of present tense, such as Simple Present Tense, Future Tense, and Present Perfect Tense. Besides that there are also the using of modals in passive sentence.

Rules in making passive sentence:

-          An active sentence must has an object (transitive verb)*

-          Subject of active sentence to be object passive sentence.

-          Object of active sentence to be subject of passive sentence.

-          Use VERB III after To Be/Modals.

*Transitive verb is a verb that needs an object in a sentence (cut = cut a branch, cook = cook rice, listen to = listen to a music, etc.)

*Intransitive verb is a verb without an object (cry, stand, sit, etc.)

A. Simple Present Tense

Active Sentence:

Subject + Verb 1 (s/es) + Object

Passive Sentence:

Subject + To Be (am/is/are) + Verb III + by Object*

*by object sometimes omitted in passive sentence



1.    Active       : I feel nervous.

    Passive    : Nervous is felt by me.

2.    Active       : A postman delivers letters.

    Passive    : Letters are delivered by a postman.

    Passive    : Letters are delivered

3.    Active       : She reads a book in the library.

    Passive    : A book is read by her in the library.

    Passive    : A book is read in the library.

4.    Active       : We study English Literature every week.

    Passive    : English Literature is studied by us every week.

    Passive    : English Literature is studied every week.

B. Simple Future Tense

Active Sentence:

Subject + will/shall + Verb 1 + Object

Passive Sentence:

Subject + will/shall be + Verb III + by Object



1.       Active   : I will get Covid-19 vaccine.

    Passive : Covid-19 vaccine will be got by me.

2.       Active   : She will make many cakes at home.

    Passive : Many cakes will be made by her at home.

3.       Active   : Stevanus will not visit Mr. Roma next days.

    Passive : Mr. Roma will not be visited by Stevanus next days.

4.       Active   : Yeini will cook delicious tollo’ lendong tomorrow.

    Passive : Delicious tollo’ lendong will be cooked by Yeini tomorrow.

5.       Active   : We shall consume healthy foods to stay healthy.

    Passive : Healthy foods shall be consumed by us to stay healthy.


C. Present Perfect Tense

Active Sentence:

Subject + have/has + Verb 3 + Object

Passive Sentence:

Subject + have/has + been + Verb III + by Object


*have for subject            : I, we, they, you, and plural subject (teachers, soldiers, women, man, etc.)

*has for subject              : He, She, It, and singular subject (Boy, Andrew, Tina, a dog, etc.)


1.       Active   : I have collected many gadgets.

    Passive : Many gadgets have been collected by me.

2.       Active   : They have not visited Rantepao for years.

    Passive : Rantepao has not been visited by them for years.

3.       Active   : Teachers have delivered many tasks for students.

    Passive : Many tasks have been delivered by teachers for students.

4.       Active   : Ramadhan has captured the women since 2019.

    Passive : The women  have been captured by Ramadhan since 2019.

5.       Active   : I have like the young woman beside my house.

    Passive : The young woman beside my house has been liked by me.


D. Using Modals in Passive Sentence

Modals are usually used by the writer to show his/her ideas in hortatory exposition text. The modals are usually in present form: can, may, must, shall, will, and ought to. Sometimes modals: should, would, could, might, and had to are used to indicate suggestion, prediction, advice and future possibility.

Active Sentence:

Pattern: S + Modals + Verb 1 + Object

Passive Sentence:

Pattern: S + modals + be + Verb III


1.       Active   : Veronika will not have a boyfriend.

    Passive : A boyfriend will not be had by Veronika.

2.       Active   : Fani can buy a new notebook.

    Passive : A new notebook can be bought by Fani.

3.       Active   : Ayu must understand passive sentence.

    Passive : Passive sentence must be understood (by Ayu).

4.       Active   : Aprisel should learn English from home during Covid-19             pandemic.

    Passive : English should be learned by Aprisel from home during Covid-19 pandemic.

5.       Active   : Edlyn may not meet BTS in Seoul next year.

    Passive : BTS may not be met by Edlyn in Seoul next year.


E. Passive sentences in the Hortatory Exposition Text

 Study the text, give attention to the underlined phrases.

 Why Students Should Manage Their Stress

Stress among student can be caused by interpersonal which includes the factor like relationships with family and friend or because of the academic itself. Stress may also be led by workload of college, difficult tests, and other academic obstacles. Thus, stress among students can be dangerous for several reasons.

Firstly, major negative effect of stress is on emotional health. Emotional health problem is more dangerous than physical health problem because it can lead to most disastrous effects of all that is committing suicide. Emotional or mental health is an expression of our emotions and signifies a failure adaptation to the range of demands in life. All the failure can be led the stressful life events, it just by conquering our mind. Thus, it is very important to maintain our mental and emotional health because once our emotional health is disturbed, it can lead to various of diseases such as depression, anxiety, emotional eating, anger and so on.

Secondly, academic performance has been affected stress to an individual especially students. Actually this effect affects students beyond their thinking. Once they are in stress they have difficulty to concentrate on their study and finally their result will ruin because they cannot do well in their exams. That is how their academic performance shows such negative improvement from day to day because they cannot manage their stress well. Therefore, student’s life can be delivered to dangerous by stress.

For those reasons, it is better that we should find the causes of stress which we are going through, know the bad effect that we may face and take actions to manage it.

Text adapted from: https://www.studiobelajar.com

 Previous meeting of this topic.

 F. Exercises

1.    The old books ... by students every week before joining the class.

A.      is taken

B.      are taken

C.      are took

D.      are taking

E.       been taken

2.    Two buildings of SMAN 5 Tana Toraja ... by that company for months.

A.      has been constructed

B.      had been constructed

C.      have constructed

D.      has constructed

E.       have been constructed

3.    Is this sentence CORRECT or INCORRECT? Explained it!

The grandfather must move by his children to the hospital.

4.    Decide the sentence: TRUE or FALSE.

a.       All of us could be surprised by Dwieldania's frank attitude.

b.      Will the gate locked by the school security?

5.    Complete this sentences with the most suitable To Be.

... many courses in English given during distance learning?

6.    Write one passive sentence based on your experiences at home. Write your sentences by using the following forms.

a.       Simple Present Tense

b.      Simple Future Tense

c.       Present Perfect Tense

d.      Modals:

-   must

-   can

Lokasi: Jl. Nusantara No.69A, Bombongan, Makale, Kabupaten Tana Toraja, Sulawesi Selatan 91811, Indonesia

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