Yulius Roma Patandean, S.Pd., lahir di Tana Toraja, 6 Juli 1984. Menyelesaikan pendidikan S1 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris di Universitas Kristen Indonesia Toraja (2003-2007). Saat ini sementara melanjutkan pendidikan S2 di Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Toraja.


Belajar dari rumah (BDR) merupakan salah satu tindak lanjut anjuran pemerintah untuk memotong rantai penyebaran COVID-19. Sekolah menyelenggarakan BDR artinya sekolah tidak menyelenggarakan kegiatan yang mengumpulkan banyak orang. Bagaimanapun opsi mengumpulkan siswa di sekolah untuk proses pembelajaran masih menjadi pertimbangan serius. Terutama untuk wilayah dengan zona orange, merah hingga hitam pandemi COVID-19.

BDR dan PJJ di Masa Pandemi Covid-19

Di awal tahun 2021, tepatnya pada awal bulan Februari ini, program Belajar Dari Rumah (BDR) masih menjadi opsi pemerintah dalam memberikan pelayanan pendidikan. BDR dilaksanakan dalam dua acara, yakni Pendidikan Jarak Jauh (PJJ) daring (online) dan Pendidikan Jarak Jauh (PJJ) luring (offline). PJJ daring mengutamakan ketersediaan sumber daya internet, smartphone dan paket data. Sementara PJJ luring memanfaatkan layanan radio, TV Edukasi, modul, hingga pemanfaatan video pembelajaran dan sumber belajar lainnya di lingkungan peserta didik.

Cara Memanfaatkan Video Pembelajaran di Kelas Digital dan Kelas Terbalik

Pesatnya perkembangan teknologi informasi (TI) harus diakui sangat mendukung pelaksanaan pembelajaran berbasis digital. Digitalisasi turut pula mendorong lahirnya konten-konten video pembelajaran yang berkualitas. Tak bisa dipungkiri bahwa di masa akan datang, video pembelajaran akan banyak memuat bahan ajar berbasis real life, seperti video praktik Biologi berbasis virtual reality (VR). Jika saat ini pembelajaran di laboratorium sebatas mempraktekkan teroti yang siswa peroleh di ruang kelas, maka teknologi VR akan menghadirkan kondisi nyata ayng lebih mempermudah eksplorasi siswa.


Mengajar secara jarak jauh telah menjadi salah satu kegiatan utama banyak pendidik saat ini. Seperti yang sementara berlangsung di berbagai negara, dalam upaya memutus rantai penyebaran COVID-19, sekolah-sekolah di Indonesia, lewat kebijakan pemerintah, telah memilih aktifitas pembelajaran dilaksanakan dari rumah dan secara umum pembelajaran berlangsung online.

Jumat, 31 Juli 2020



by Yulius Roma Patandean, S.Pd.

Tujuan Pembelajaran:

·        Siswa mampu mengidentifikasi makna tindak tutur menyarankan / mengusulkan

·        Siswa mampu merespons tindak tutur menyarankan / mengusulkan

·        Siswa mampu menggunakan tindak tutur menyarankan / mengusulkan


Suggest means to tell someone your ideas about what they could or should do.


For strong suggestion, should is used to say what is the right thing or a good thing to do.

A: I’m always tired!

B: You should go to bed earlier.


Use shouldn’t to say that it’s not a good thing to do or it’s not the right thing.

You shouldn’t play with lighters.


For strong suggestion, you can also use need toto say what is necessary and you can use imperatives.


You need to eat all your food = Eat all your food!


Use the expressions Why don’t you…?andIt’s a good idea to…” to make suggestions. They are usually softer than should and need to.


Why don’t you pull over?


Use could to make a suggestion or to say what is possible or a good idea.


Woman    : We could create more programs.

Man         : It’s a good idea to keep your word!


Other ways to suggest:

®   Let’s get married.

®   Shall you get married?

®   How about getting married.

®   What about getting married.

®   I suggest you get married.

®   I suggest that you get married.

®   I suggest getting married.

®   Sandy suggested that you should get married.


Discovering Language
Read the conversation and look the ways of making

Raja        : Honey, Let’s order.  What shall we have?

Datu        : What about having Bakso Granat?”

Raja        : That sounds are good to me.  Could we have some Bakso                 Mangkokas well?

Datu        : Sure!  Why don’t we have some   “tollo’ lendong” and two                 bottles of Teh Sosro?”

Raja        : That’s fine. I really love them.

Exercise 1

Example: Owen has messy hair. He needs to apply hair styling gel.

Exercise 2

Giving responds to a situation with your own ideas.

Deril :  Oh! I am very tired.

Rio   : (take rest)


The suggestion will be:

®   What about taking rest

®   How about taking a rest?

®   Let’s take a rest.

®   Shall you take a rest?

®   Why don’t you take a rest?

®   You need to take a rest.

®   It’s a good idea to take a rest.

®   You could take a rest

®   I suggest you take a rest

®   I suggest taking rest


Now, write ten suggestions based on the situations below.

A.    Ganti:  What’s wrong with our car?

Edy  :  The petrol is run out.

Ganti: (find petrol station)

B.    Intan        :  The plane is delayed!

       Harun      :   Yes.  (have coffee in that cafe)



Choose the correct answer

1.She is ________ girl that I fell in love with her.
a) such clever
b) so a clever
c) such a clever
d) so clever

 2. It was _________ last night that I couldn’t sleep.
a) such a hot
b) so a hot
c) such hot
d) so hot

  3. Rp.500,000.- a night for a hotel? That’s ________that I can’t stay there.
a) such expensive
b) such an expensive
c) so expensive
d) so an expensive

  4. This restaurant has _________ of food, that it’s hard to decide what to order.
a) such selection
b) such a selection
c) a so selection
d) so selection

  5. How could you say ________ to your mother that made her sad?

    a) so awful thing
    b) such awful thing
    c) such an awful thing
    d) a so awful thing

6. He was _________that he could run 5 miles in 30 minutes.
 a) so fast runner
 b) so a fast runner
 c) such fast runner
 d) such a fast runner

 7. The train was ________that it went from Shanghai to Beijing in only 10 hours.
a) so fast
b) such fast
c) such a fast
d) a so fast

 8. The ocean in Los Angeles is usually ________ that even the fish freeze
a) such cold
b) such a cold
c) so cold
d) cold so

 9. I can’t believe that John stole that woman’s purse. He was always ________ that he couldn’t tell even a white lie.
a) so good boy
b) such a good boy
c) such good boy
d) a such good boy

10. The views of Ollon and Kendenan in Boggakaradeng are            that invite hundreds young people from many regions visiting them.

a) so wonderful

b) a such wonderful

c) such a wonderful

d) so wonderful is

Send your answer to e-mail:

Thank you for your kindness to complete the test. I hope you could be a great person in the future.


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Be proud of the imperfection. It is the true guide to the ultimate welfare of the soul.

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