Jumat, 31 Juli 2020


Choose the correct answer

1.She is ________ girl that I fell in love with her.
a) such clever
b) so a clever
c) such a clever
d) so clever

 2. It was _________ last night that I couldn’t sleep.
a) such a hot
b) so a hot
c) such hot
d) so hot

  3. Rp.500,000.- a night for a hotel? That’s ________that I can’t stay there.
a) such expensive
b) such an expensive
c) so expensive
d) so an expensive

  4. This restaurant has _________ of food, that it’s hard to decide what to order.
a) such selection
b) such a selection
c) a so selection
d) so selection

  5. How could you say ________ to your mother that made her sad?

    a) so awful thing
    b) such awful thing
    c) such an awful thing
    d) a so awful thing

6. He was _________that he could run 5 miles in 30 minutes.
 a) so fast runner
 b) so a fast runner
 c) such fast runner
 d) such a fast runner

 7. The train was ________that it went from Shanghai to Beijing in only 10 hours.
a) so fast
b) such fast
c) such a fast
d) a so fast

 8. The ocean in Los Angeles is usually ________ that even the fish freeze
a) such cold
b) such a cold
c) so cold
d) cold so

 9. I can’t believe that John stole that woman’s purse. He was always ________ that he couldn’t tell even a white lie.
a) so good boy
b) such a good boy
c) such good boy
d) a such good boy

10. The views of Ollon and Kendenan in Boggakaradeng are            that invite hundreds young people from many regions visiting them.

a) so wonderful

b) a such wonderful

c) such a wonderful

d) so wonderful is

Send your answer to e-mail: romapatandean@gmail.com.

Thank you for your kindness to complete the test. I hope you could be a great person in the future.


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Be proud of the imperfection. It is the true guide to the ultimate welfare of the soul.

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