Rabu, 19 Agustus 2020



KD 4.2.1 

Teacher: Yulius Roma Patandean, S.Pd.

Deadline: September 5, 2020.

Hello my incredible students, let's do this test. Study each sentence carefully, identify the tense used and identify the object. Hopefully, you will get the highest score.

Change the active sentences below into passive sentences.

 1.        Panca admires the beauty of Zefanya.

2.        Andrew blamed me on our failure.

3.        The principal has left the school hall.

4.        The rescue man must throw the long rope across the river.

5.        Jindramaya will close all windows in the afternoon.

6.        Alfret is laying down Jemly’s body under the rain.

7.        Edgard’s statement hurt me a lot.

8.        Trianna had hung the key when Trianni looked for it.

9.        I am going to beat bad habits in gaining my ambition.

10.    They suggest Resti and Matande to be tough women.




  • Type or write on a sheet of paper.
  • Send your document to email: owenjuvenilio@gmail.com
  • Or send through WhatsApp Messanger to 081355632823
  • Or collect it manually at school in your English class.
  • Each TRUE answer is given score 10.
  • Every FAULT in changing the word/order of the word is given penalty = 2 points.


Scoring: Student's acquisition score x 100





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E-mail: romapatandean@gmail.com
HP: 081355632823

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Be proud of the imperfection. It is the true guide to the ultimate welfare of the soul.

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