Rabu, 05 Agustus 2020

Can I Have Your Name, Please?

Materi      : Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris

Kelas        : X

Program   : Bahasa

Practice the following dialog!

Picture from: liveworksheet.com

Guest              : Good morning

Mr. Boy          : Good morning

Guest              : Could you help me with this form, please? My English isn’t so good.

Mr. Boy          : Of course, I could. Well, what’s your name?

Guest              : Kezia

Mr. Boy          : Is that your last name?

Guest              : Yes

Mr. Boy          : And what’s your first name, Miss Kezia?

Guest              : Marselina

Mr. Boy          : How do you spell that, please?

Guest              : M-A-R-S-E-L-I-N-A

Mr. Boy          : Pardon me, can you repeat that, please?

Guest              : M-A-R-S-E-L-I-N-A

Mr. Boy          : Where do you come from, Miss Kezia?

Guest              : I come from Gandangbatu Sillanan

Mr. Boy          : Where do you live in Gandangbatu Sillanan?

Guest              : I live in Salubarani, but now I live in Makale.

Mr. Boy          : Alright. Your occupation, please? What do you do?

Guest              : I don’t have any job, yet. I’m a student.

Mr. Boy          : Fine. Now, you have to sign here

Guest              : Thank you

Mr. Boy          : You’re welcome

Note: Let's learn to spell your name and practice it tomorrow in our meeting.

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