Yulius Roma Patandean, S.Pd., lahir di Tana Toraja, 6 Juli 1984. Menyelesaikan pendidikan S1 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris di Universitas Kristen Indonesia Toraja (2003-2007). Saat ini sementara melanjutkan pendidikan S2 di Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Toraja.


Belajar dari rumah (BDR) merupakan salah satu tindak lanjut anjuran pemerintah untuk memotong rantai penyebaran COVID-19. Sekolah menyelenggarakan BDR artinya sekolah tidak menyelenggarakan kegiatan yang mengumpulkan banyak orang. Bagaimanapun opsi mengumpulkan siswa di sekolah untuk proses pembelajaran masih menjadi pertimbangan serius. Terutama untuk wilayah dengan zona orange, merah hingga hitam pandemi COVID-19.

BDR dan PJJ di Masa Pandemi Covid-19

Di awal tahun 2021, tepatnya pada awal bulan Februari ini, program Belajar Dari Rumah (BDR) masih menjadi opsi pemerintah dalam memberikan pelayanan pendidikan. BDR dilaksanakan dalam dua acara, yakni Pendidikan Jarak Jauh (PJJ) daring (online) dan Pendidikan Jarak Jauh (PJJ) luring (offline). PJJ daring mengutamakan ketersediaan sumber daya internet, smartphone dan paket data. Sementara PJJ luring memanfaatkan layanan radio, TV Edukasi, modul, hingga pemanfaatan video pembelajaran dan sumber belajar lainnya di lingkungan peserta didik.

Cara Memanfaatkan Video Pembelajaran di Kelas Digital dan Kelas Terbalik

Pesatnya perkembangan teknologi informasi (TI) harus diakui sangat mendukung pelaksanaan pembelajaran berbasis digital. Digitalisasi turut pula mendorong lahirnya konten-konten video pembelajaran yang berkualitas. Tak bisa dipungkiri bahwa di masa akan datang, video pembelajaran akan banyak memuat bahan ajar berbasis real life, seperti video praktik Biologi berbasis virtual reality (VR). Jika saat ini pembelajaran di laboratorium sebatas mempraktekkan teroti yang siswa peroleh di ruang kelas, maka teknologi VR akan menghadirkan kondisi nyata ayng lebih mempermudah eksplorasi siswa.


Mengajar secara jarak jauh telah menjadi salah satu kegiatan utama banyak pendidik saat ini. Seperti yang sementara berlangsung di berbagai negara, dalam upaya memutus rantai penyebaran COVID-19, sekolah-sekolah di Indonesia, lewat kebijakan pemerintah, telah memilih aktifitas pembelajaran dilaksanakan dari rumah dan secara umum pembelajaran berlangsung online.

Selasa, 14 Februari 2023

Contoh Teks Report: Online Games

Ilustrasi Permainan Game Online. Sumber Gambar:

Report Text atau teks report adalah salah satu materi pokok mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas X pada Kurikulum Merdeka. Teks report bisa berupa deskripsi informasi objek atau fenomena sosial.

Berikut ini salah satu contoh report text.

Online Games

Online games are a type of computer game that utilizes the internet network. This type of game can be accessed by game lovers directly from the company's system via the internet network on computers, laptops, tablets, or cellphones. In addition, online games can be played together with other game players (players/gamers) and communicate directly between fellow players in the same game. Examples of online games that are currently most in demand include Mobile Legend, Free Fire, PUBG, etc.

The emergence of online games as technological development in this modern era certainly needs to be addressed with various positive and negative points of view according to its users. As a human being who accepts change, there need to be limitations on the extent of the negative impact it causes.

Online games have negative and positive impact on teenagers. One of the negative impacts caused by online games, namely: Causing an addictive effect, isolating people from the life around them, making people lazy, health disorders, causing psychological problems if you think too much, lacking sleep, etc.

While the positive impacts are: having more friends, reducing stress, Practicing patience, and agility. Example, Roy is one of the few people who have a hobby of playing games, he said that "not all games have a negative impact, so it depends on each individual. And it is necessary to know that anything excessive is not good". Meanwhile, M. Firmansyah has a different opinion, he is someone who can be said to be anti-game. He said that "a lot of online game users say that the game can refresh the brain, but if I think it's the opposite, so playing games can make the brain tired, especially online games that can be said to be on the rise in this era. addiction and drain brain energy for the user ".

Kegiatan Pembelajaran di Kelas menyimak teks report. Sumber gambar: dok. pribadi

So, the main point, online games have many impacts on our lives, both positive and negative impacts, although it can be said that it depends on the user. Approximately playing online games will bring more positive impacts as long as it is done in a reasonable stage (knowing the limit when to stop). To avoid all the negative effects, you have to play games at a normal level.

That's all that I can share for today hopefully it will be useful. 

Adapted from:

Exercise: Answer the questions below based on the information from the text.

  1. According to the passage, what are online games?
  2. How can game players play online games?
  3. Who are the main target of online games?
  4. What are the bad impacts of online games for teenagers?
  5. Who are Roy and Firmansyah?
  6. What should we do to minimize bad effect of online game?


Senin, 13 Februari 2023

Relative Clauses (Adjective Clause)

Flyer Relative Clause. Source: me

Learning Objectives: 
Student can use relative clause accurately Student can find the using of relative clause in a text.

Relative Clause is a dependent clause used as an adjective. It modifies a noun or a noun phrase. It describes, identifies, or gives further information about noun/noun phrase. The relative clause uses pronouns to connect the dependent clause to the independent clause. The relative clause pronouns are who, whom, which, whose, where, when and that. (who, whom, which, whose, where, when, that. In Indonesian means: yang). 

Three positions of Relative Clause in a sentence: 
As subject (who & which). 
As object of verb (whom & which) 
As object of preposition (whom & which) 

The other form is using WHOSE (possessive), WHEN (time) and WHERE (place).

You can watch the video of this content here. 

Combine the following sentences by using the right pattern of relative clause. 
1. My friends missed the assignment. They were absent from class. 
2. I am looking for a book. It was written by Roma Patandean. 
3. Edy and his friends missed the English assignment. They were absent from class. 
4. Christiano Ronaldo plays for Portugal. He scored three goals against Atletico Madrid four years ago. 
5. My brother is an accountant. He lives in Bittuang. 

1. Glodya and Gracai are from Toraja. Yosef met them at the funeral ceremony last night. 
2. Julia was painting the wall. Headmaster called her. 
3. The girl is my cousin. Harun likes her very much. 
4. Hartati wears a pair of new high heels. Ms Ramlah bought it in Makassar. 
5. Students gathering in school yard. Policeman asked them to hurry up.

1. The poor man is begging at station. I was telling you about him. 
2. The people were friendly. I glanced at them 
3. The picture was beautiful. She was looking at it. 
4. Annas is a Mathematics teacher. Mustari collaborates with him. 
5. Adjective clauses are easy grammar. I understand clauses by them. 

1. 2020 is memorable year. Covid-19 pandemic spreads all over the world at that time. 
2. I visited Pa’baladoan. Its panorama remembered me to Lolai. 
3. Sinaga teaches a class for students. Their native language is not English. 
4. The man poured a glass of palm wine on his face. His beard caught on fire when he lit a cigarette. 
5. The Makale city was beautiful. We spent our vacation there. 


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