Jumat, 26 Mei 2023

Recount Text - Comprehension

Study the texts and answer the questions that follow!

Text 1

  1. Series of events in the text can be found on sentences lines ….
  2. Why did the writer feel sad in celebrating Eid Al-Fitr?
  3. “When the sky started to get cloudy ….” This part of sentence means ….
Text 2

  1. Who were the participants in the text?
  2. According to the text, what time did they leave for the Ammani beach?
  3.  “At lunch, we enjoyed a variety of processed fresh fishes typical of Pinrang.” The underlined word means ….
  4. The last paragraph of the text, the writer shows his ….

Baca teks recount yang pernah ditulis (pengalaman berdasarkan foto) dan kumpulkan rekamannya pada link di bawah ini.

Kumpulkan jawaban kalian di link ini https://forms.gle/9zemurgZ3eXuAmAa8


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